
A new program offered in 2025
  • 10+ years - Talent identification required
  • Three apparatuses: Tumbling, Trampette, Floor
  • Junior, Advanced and Senior TeamGym classes available
  • Teams of 6-12 gymnasts will enter competitions
  • Boys and Girls train & compete together as a team
  • Mix of skill abilities & ages
  • New program in 2025

TeamGym – New program offered in 2025

TeamGym is a developing gym sport in Australia that utilises three apparatus. Tumbling is on an air track, Trampette (including Vault) uses mini trampolines to a crash mat and Floor. Teams can have a minimum of six and maximum of twelve members but depending on individual strengths, not everyone needs to perform on every apparatus.

For two apparatuses – Tumbling and Trampette, a routine consists of 2-4 passes. A pass is when all gymnasts in a team complete a skill/tumble in succession one after another (while increasing difficulty). Once the final member of the team has dismounted, the entire team will turn around and jog back to the starting point to complete their next pass and so on until the third pass is complete. Both apparatuses utilise music.

On Floor, the entire team performs a pre-choreographed routine to music incorporating gymnastic skills and combinations of choreography patterns linked together by movement and dance. Floor routines last approximately two minutes.

TeamGym has the flexibility to have a mix of boys and girls, skill levels & age groups which allows members to train and compete together on the same team.


TeamGym can be a stand-alone or an extension program to your child’s current class

  • This program requires an assessment to enter
  • Recommended skill level (but not limited to): Competitive MAG & WAG, Tumbler level 3+
  • Junior TeamGym class recommended pre-requisite skills: Competent Handstand and developing round off, front handspring, front sault
  • Advanced TeamGym class recommended pre-requisite skills: Back and forward handsprings and saults, developing forward and backward sault connections, basic saults with twists off trampoline
  • Senior TeamGym: Must be 17+ years, any skill level welcome


Program details:

  • 2 hour class, once per week
  • Boys and Girls (10+ Years)
  • Compulsory competitions
  • Previous gymnastics experience required
  • Entry by assessment of Physical Ability and Skills
  • Gymnastics Australia qualified Coaches

Aims of TeamGym

  • Focus on the three TeamGym apparatus: Air track tumbling, Trampette and Floor
  • Incorporating additional apparatus including trampoline, tumble track trampoline, handstand handles and use of acrobatics
  • Fun and friendship in a disciplined training atmosphere
  • Progress and extend tumbling and trampette skill levels
  • Compete at PIT Gymnastics Invitational, Victorian Championships
  • Option to compete at Australian National Clubs Carnival

Program Content

  • Specific skills and routines on competitive TeamGym apparatus
  • Development of fitness and physical requirements
  • Competitive based program

Training Hours and Uniform

  • Attend one 2-hour class per week
  • Compulsory competitions in second half of the year
  • Club Leotard compulsory for training and competitions
  • Bike shorts or Leggings can be worn over leotard.
  • Uniforms available at the office


PIT Gymnastics Invitational

  • Held close to Term 3 school holidays
  • Compete against other clubs in allocated level divisions
  • Compete on three apparatus
  • Held at PIT Gymnastics

Victorian Championships

  • Held in early Term 4
  • Compete against clubs from all over Victoria

National Clubs Carnival (Optional)

  • Gold Coast
  • Held around Term 3 school holidays
  • Competing against teams from across Australia


Highlights from the 2024 PIT TeamGym Invitational!


Still don’t have any idea what it’s about??? Check out these clips:

Here are the pros from the 2024 European Championships:

Danish Men

Icelandic Women:

Danish mixed:

Here are the PIT Senior Adult and Coach team at the 2024 Victorian Championships (also pros!!!):


TeamGym assessment day – Tuesday 21st January 5-7pm:

Please sign up via the Parent Portal. The cost for this session will be $20.


TeamGym Assessment Day can be found under ‘Bookings’. Once confirmed by the office after checkout, payment will be deducted from your nominated payment method. Please ensure sufficient funds are in your account.

Please wear normal training attire and bring a drink bottle.


Format of the two-hour session:

20min general floor warmup including basic tumbling

10min strength and conditioning

3x 20min split group rotations: Tumbling, trampette, Tumble track & pit tramp

20min floor routine (all together)


At the conclusion of the session, Anthony will be happy to host a 15min Q&A session for any parents with further queries.

A follow up email will be sent to those families who have participated to confirm your interest in the TeamGym program. Places will be subject to availability and allocated on the basis of assessment on the day.

Classes for TeamGym will officially begin on Tuesday the 25th February. As it is a new program, it allows gymnasts in other programs to settle in first before picking up the additional training night.


2025 Term 1 class times (commencing after 25th February):

Junior TeamGym – Tuesday and Friday 6-8pm

Advanced TeamGym – Thursday 6-8pm

2025 fees TBC


Enrolment and Tuition Fees

Bookings for classes can be made online via the website. PIT Gymnastics offers a trial class for all new participants. Trial lessons cost one class tuition fee, payable at the time of booking (Click on the ‘Book a trial’, you will be re-directed to our online booking portal).

If the gymnast continues in the class, you will be charged the club membership fee and the remainder of the month’s tuition. Monthly direct debit will then continue and your child  will be enrolled in this class for the rest of the calendar year.

Two weeks notification is required for cancellation of class in writing via PIT Gymnastics Membership Cancellation Form. Your direct debit will cease at the end of that respective payment cycle. Please submit this cancellation form electronically via email or in person at the front office.

Club Membership Fee

A Club Membership Fee for each gymnast is payable on joining the Club and for each subsequent year. This Fee includes Club Membership, Registration with Gymnastics Victoria and Accident Insurance through to December of the current year, this fee is non-refundable and non-transferable.

Each child will receive a free club t-shirt with paid tuition and membership.


In November, you must re-book your child for the new year. The Club Membership fee is required to secure your booking for all members.

December Display

Gymnasts will have the opportunity to showcase their skills learnt throughout the year in a group performance when they participate in the December Display.

TeamGym Timetable

TuesdayJunior TeamGym 6-8pm
WednesdaySenior TeamGym 8-9.30pm
ThursdayAdvanced TeamGym 6-8pm
FridayJunior TeamGym 6-8pm

No Classes on Public Holidays or School Holidays

TeamGym Training Hours