1 hour, 1 class per week
The first year is an accelerated class for 4 Year old kinder aged children who demonstrate an aptitude for the sport of gymnastics.
This program offers:
- A fun approach, to develop sound basic gymnastics shapes and skills
- Certificates presented at the end of each term
- Uniform required
The Flippers Program is for 4-7 year old boys and girls who have been identified from PIT-A-PATS, Tumblebears, Junior or School Programs as showing potential for the sport of Artistic Gymnastics.
Program Entry Requirements
The following characteristics are important for entry into the Flippers/Squad Program:- strength, flexibility, spring, good posture and body tension.
The flippers class is a mixed class of boys and girls that focuses on the fundamental skills required for higher levels of gymnastics
The progress of each gymnast is reviewed each term to determine whether they are coping with the program and therefore able to maintain their place in the group.
Aims of the Program
- To present a fun, challenging program that is SAFE and DEVELOPMENTAL.
- To teach good basic skills as a foundation for later SPECIALIZATION in the sport.
- To improve PHYSICAL ATTRIBUTES for participation in Gymnastics at higher levels.
- To foster a desire to continue into competitive gymnastics in the future.
Program Duration and Content
The Flipper/Squad Program has been designed as a three year program. However, the length of time a child will spend in the Flippers/Squad Program is dependent on:
- The child’s age on entry to the program
- The child’s ability on entry to the program
- The child’s progress within the program